A jigsaw puzzle competition is an event where teams compete against one another putting a puzzle together. The team that completes their puzzle first wins!

Venue Requirements
Most venues alike this event to a common bar trivia night.
Tables & Chairs. In order for a venue to host the event, it must evaluate the quantity and quality of the tables and chairs available at the facility. Most 4-top cafe tables are sufficient to assembling 500-piece jigsaw puzzles. Puzzle building requires smooth surfaces and space. The most common puzzle dimension is 18×24, so the table needs to accommodate that space plus room for extra pieces. 2-top cafe tables aren’t large enough for puzzle assembly. Round tables over 6 feet in diameter make it difficult for teams to reach and collaborate effectively.
Lighting. Bright overhead lighting is a critical component of being able to assemble a jigsaw puzzle.
Prizes. Each venue should contribute to the prizes for the top 2-3 teams to complete their puzzle. Prizes can vary based on the venue (ie: gift cards, bottles/cans, pint glasses, shirts, growlers, 4-packs)
Promotion. While these events have a loyal following, venues should help with event promotion to ensure a successful event.

Day of Event Agenda
- Pre-arrival: Room layout set by venue.
- 5:30pm: Host arrival & setup
- 6:00pm: Guest check-in & food service begins
- 6:30pm: Puzzle Race Starts
- 9:00pm: Event ends

Puzzles & Pints is an event series by 60 Minute Missions Escape Room where guests pay admission for a special jigsaw puzzle race hosted in partnership with a local brewery.
Puzzles & Pinot is an event series by 60 Minute Missions Escape Room where guests pay admission for a special jigsaw puzzle race hosted in partnership with a local winery.